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BIA/Kelsey NEXT Welcomes NAB PILOT

by | Nov 2, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Conferences

John Clark, executive director of NAB’s PILOT initiative and BIA/Kelsey’s Rick Ducey recently shared views in a video podcast about the kinds of innovative business models and technology solutions broadcasters are pursuing to tap into the growth of digital advertising. BIA/Kelsey just released its new ad forecast number of digital ad spend of $44.2 billion targeting local audiences in 2016. Ducey sugggested this has to be an attractive target for broadcasters to complement their over-the-air business. However, to compete aggressively against digital pure plays, broadcasters need to develop some innovative solutions and business models to compete more strongly for this opportunity.

Clark agreed saying that is the essence of why NAB launched PILOT. The goal is to build a coalition of innovators, educators and advocates dedicated to advancing broadcast technologies and cultivating new media opportunities.

Clark signed on as an association sponsor of BIA/Kelsey’s NEXT conference to help his community get more exposure to the local digital advertising and marketing community the events serves. Clark sees that broadcasting has to and is changing but educational and networking opportunities are core pillars for how broadcasters can visualize and build their future business models and technology platforms.

BIA/Kelsey welcomes PILOT’s support and we look forward to having its members and supporters join us in Boston, December 5-7.